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linux 中启动用户和组时出现错误信息解决方法

时间:2015-06-28 00:00:00 来源:IT猫扑网 作者:网管联盟 我要评论(0)

  When I try to start system-config-users I get the following msg:

  "The user database cannot be read. This problem is most likely caused by a mismatch between /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow or /etc/group and /etc/gshadow. The program will exit now."



  "You're currently authorized to configure system-wide setting (that affect all users) withou typing the administrator password again. You can give up this authorization"

  they discuss world issues and look for solutions:

  I had deleted a user from my password file using vi. apprently the group was still exesting so it was giving errors loading. to fix this

  i went to command line and

  groupdel test <-- test is the user i deleted from /etc/passwd using vi

  useradd test

  works fine now




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