root@localhost]# ./burneye
usage: ./burneye [options] <program>
banner options
-b file display banner from 'file' before start
-B file display banner from 'file' on tty before start
password protect options
-p pass use password encryption with 'pass' as password
-P env first try to read password from environment 'env',
will use password from 'env' now, too, if its there
-i ignore invalid entered password and execute junk
not recommended (default: off)
fingerprinting options
-S SEAL mode (options F,f,t are ignored)
-f file use fingerprint from 'file' to protect binary
-F use fingerprint of current host (do not use -f and -F)
-t num tolerate 'num' deviations in fingerprint
-q be quiet about wrong fingerprint, just exit
(default: 0)
-E do tolerance even if erasure warning is given
-l list fingerprint tests that can be done
-e test enable fingerprint test 'test'
-d test disable fingerprint test 'test'
generic options
-o out specify another output file name (default: output)
burneye -o ls /bin/ls # 只作代码的obfuscate,不作加密
burneye -p "secret" -o ls /bin/ls # 使用密码'secret'加密
burneye -B warning.txt -o ls /bin/ls # 启动时显示warning.txt的信息
burneye -F -t 1 -B warning.txt -o ls /bin/ls # 使用本地主机的指纹,启动时
# 显示warning.txt的信息, 测试时允许有一项失败
fingerprint -d procpartitions -f foohost.fp
burneye -f foohost.fp -t 2 -p "hidden" -o ls /bin/ls
# 使用fingerprint产生指纹文件,允许两项失败,启用密码保护
burneye -p puke -S -o ls /bin/ls
./ls # 将会把信息封存并保存到二进制文件中
./ls # 正常运行
hostname moo
./ls # 运行环境与封存设置不符,失败
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