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您当前所在位置:首页系统集成网络管理 → juniper 静态路由的六种option

juniper 静态路由的六种option


1. directly connected ip address 直连接口的ip地址

2.remote ip address 下一跳地址

3.reject 是一个null值,下一跳匹配这个值的路由会被丢弃,会给源回复icmp不可达

4.discard 类似于reject 丢弃   会直接丢掉路由,不给提示

5.qualified next hop 有资格的下一跳 这个属性给浮动静态路由这种环境使用

6.lsp 走标签路径

huxiaoming@Juncip-olive# help reference routing-options static   


     static {
   defaults {
   rib-group group-name;
   route destination-prefix {
qualified-next-hop address {
     metric metric;
     preference preference;

Hierarchy Level

     [edit logical-routers logical-router-name routing-instances
     routing-instance-name routing-options],
     [edit logical-routers logical-router-name routing-options],
     [edit logical-routers logical-router-name routing-options rib
     [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name routing-options],
     [edit routing-options],
     [edit routing-options rib routing-table-name]

Release Information

     Statement introduced before JUNOS Release 7.4.


     Configure static routes to be installed in the routing table. You can
     specify any number of routes within a single static statement, and you
     can specify any number of static options in the configuration.


     defaults--Specify global static route options. These options only set
     default attributes inherited by all newly created static routes. These
     are treated as global defaults and apply to all the static routes you
     configure in the static statement. This part of the static statement is

     route destination-prefix--Destination of the static route.
  * defaults--For the default route to the destination. This is
    equivalent to specifying an IP address of
  * destination-prefix/prefix-length--destination-prefix is the network
    portion of the IP address, and prefix-length is the destination
    prefix length.
  * nsap-prefix--nsap-prefix is the network service access points
    (NSAP) address for ISO.
     next-hop--How to reach the destination.
  * discard--Do not forward packets addressed to this destination.
    Instead, drop the packets, do not send ICMP unreachable messages to
    the packets' originators, and install a reject route for this
    destination into the routing table.
  * interface-name--Reach the next-hop router by specifying an
  * iso-net--Reach the next-hop router by specifying an ISO NSAP.
  * next-hop address--Reach the next-hop router by specifying an IP
    address, an interface name, or an ISO network entity title (NET).
  * next-table routing-table-name--Name of the next routing table to
    the destination.
  * receive--Install a receive route for this destination into the
    routing table.
  * reject--Do not forward packets addressed to this destination.
    Instead, drop the packets, send ICMP unreachable messages to the
    packets' originators, and install a reject route for this
    destination into the routing table.
     static-options--(Optional under route) Additional information about
     static routes, which is included with the route when it is installed in
     the routing table. You can specify one or more of the following in
     static-options. Each of the options is explained separately.
  * (active | passive);
  * as-path <as-path> <origin (egp | igp | incomplete)>
    <atomic-aggregate> <aggregator as-number in-address>;
  * community [ community-ids ];
  * (install | no-install);
  * (metric | metric2 | metric3 | metric4) value <type type>;
  * (preference | preference2 | color | color2) preference <type type>;
  * (readvertise | no-readvertise);
  * (resolve | no-resolve);
  * (no-retain | retain);
  * tag string;
    The remaining statements are explained separately.

Usage Guidelines
     See "Configuring Static Routes".

Required Privilege Level

     routing--To view this statement in the configuration.
     routing-control--To add this statement to the configuration.




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