Apache POI 3.14
免费版- 软件大小:10.00 MB
- 软件语言:中文
- 软件类型:国产软件 / 编程辅助
- 软件授权: 免费软件
- 更新时间:2017-07-03 14:14:58
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- 应用平台:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10
- 软件官网: 暂无
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Apache POI-3.14.jar是Java实现文件批量导入导出的多功能工具包包,多用于拓展JDK的导入导出、写入读取excel表格功能,兼容xls、xlsx,需要的程序猿们快来IT猫扑下载使用吧!
Apache POI是什么
Apache POI是一个开源的Java读写Excel、WORD等微软OLE2组件文档的项目。
Apache POI 3.14 内容
Apache POI是Apache软件基金会的开放源码函式库,POI提供API给Java程序对Microsoft Office格式档案读和写的功能。
Apache POI3.14.jar结构
HSSF - 提供读写Microsoft Excel格式档案的功能。
XSSF - 提供读写Microsoft Excel OOXML格式档案的功能。
HWPF - 提供读写Microsoft Word格式档案的功能。
HSLF - 提供读写Microsoft PowerPoint格式档案的功能。
HDGF - 提供读写Microsoft Visio格式档案的功能。
poi 3.14 jar改进日志
add59056 - Render individual slideshow shapes;
fix59074 - ExtractorFactory should give a more helpful exception on old Excel files too old for ExcelExtractor;
add57989 - XSSFChart support for setting chart titles;
fix59030 - Prevent NPE in XWPFTableCell's getVerticalAlignment() from Prasad Babu;
fix59021 - XSSFSheetXMLHandler fails to extract content if namespace is included in qName;
fix56345 - Reject single-cell merged regions;
fix58339 - Make OFFSET() allow missing optional height and width parameters;
addgithub-27 - Handle documents with a picture-only header;
fix58996 - Regression caused by fixing bug 56295: Don't try to unset fill color if it is not set to avoid invalid access inside the Xml structures;
fix57034 - Cell.setCellValue((String)null) should be treated as an empty cell on SXSSF as well, to avoid a NPE when autosizing columns;
fix XSLF - fixed NPE when adding pictures with existing non-picture media files (e.g. movies);
fix58885 - Fixed preformance regression after fixing bug 58443 when adding a merged region to an XSSFSheet;
add Raised xmlsec version to 2.0.6;
add47291 - Cannot open link correctly which insert in ppt;
add41047 - Support hyperlinks in HSLF shapes and textruns;
add58879 - Return SpreadsheetVersion from Workbook;
fix Fix NPE when calling HSLFTextRun.setHorizontalCentered();
add58633 - Set multiple cell style properties at once;
add56004 - Support for WMF rendering;
add56892 - Add API for inserting ignored warnings into XSSF sheets. This can be used e.g. to suppress 'number stored as text' warnings.;
add58847 - Getters/setters/removers for the additional well-known document summary information properties from Office 12;
add57796 - Support hyperlink extraction when rendering slides;
fix54916 - POI does not always read all the slides in pptx files;
fix58043 - Provide some compatibility between HSSF and XSSF in regards to values for CellStyle.setRotation();
fix58067 - XWPF: don't return deleted text when document is in review-mode;
fix58618 - XWPFParagraph insertNewRun and removeRun work incorrectly for runs after hyperlink/field runs;
fix58760 - Non-standard namespace-key breaks parsing XLSX files;
fix58746 - Fix missing adjustment of formulas when sheet-ordering is changed.;
fix58616 - Try to initialize with empty password if not done before;
fix Fix some cases where file-handles were left open, mostly when failing to parse documents;
fix55030 - RichTextRun getFontName can not get chinese font name;
fix56570 - RecordType has repeat by code type 3009;
fix58159 - getHeaderText() and getFooterText() duplicate text in sheet.getTextRuns();
fix58775 - Set maximum number of data formats to avoid corrupted workbook;
add58778 - Override built-in number formats in XSSFWorkbooks;
fix58733 - New AIOOBE in getCell while iterating through a table in PPT;
fix58718 - Master styles not initialized when running multithreaded;
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/中文/10.0Apache POI3.8.jar 11.00 MB
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Apache POI 3.14 免费版
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