v1.1 安卓版- 应用大小:3.17 MB
- 应用语言:中文
- 应用类型:国产软件 / 生活服务
- 应用授权: 免费软件
- 更新时间:2015-12-08 12:32:20
- 应用等级:
- 应用厂商: 去哪儿
- 应用平台:Android
- 应用官网: http://www.qua.com/
雷电X传奇最新版v1.0.1 安卓版
21.78 MB/英文/10.0
Aqua Mail邮箱手机版v1.28.1 安卓版
17.35 MB/中文/10.0
quartus ii 9.0破解文件
47.12 MB/中文/3.0
Quadro Uneraser(删除数据恢复工具)v2.5 绿色版
524.00 KB/中文/10.0
AquaDesktop(ocr文字识别软件)v1.5.0.29 中文绿色版
1.67 MB/中文/3.0
Qua app是去哪儿网国际通用的官方手机客户端,主要是为海外客户提供旅行指南,您可以直接在这款应用里订购机票、酒店,查询景点信息,方便实用,价格优惠,非常适合国际友人使用哦~
About Us
Qua.com is a sub-brand of Qunar.com targeting international market.
Qunar, founded in May 2005 and headquartered in Beijing, is the world’s most popular Chinese travel platform. According to iResearch in January 2013, its website has around 75 million monthly visits. Qunar’s mission is to create and maintain a fun and hassle-free one-stop travel information source for Chinese travelers. The company organizes an enormous amount of travel information, providing instant and thorough searches of flights, hotels, travel packages, group-buying deals and other travel-related information via its website and mobile applications. With its intelligent and avant-garde technology, Qunar helps travelers find travel products of great value and travel information that best matches their needs.
Qunar means "where to go" in Mandarin Chinese.
What is Qua?
Qua.com is a sub-brand of Qunar.com targeting international market. Qunar is popular Chinese travel search site which aims at helping travelers to find travel products and information. Thousands of online travel sites will be compared when searching a flight and great deals can be found out instantly.
Qua is Free!
When you find a ticket you want, you may either book directly on the Qua.com platform or sometimes be redirected to complete booking on the airline's or the travel agent's website. Qua offers fast, convenient and free services and guarantees ticket issuance after payment.
Travel smart with low prices
Qua's flexible search options enable you to search across different dates and compare prices offered by thousands of different travel providers so that you can always find low prices and flight tickets that are tailored to your needs.
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Qua去哪儿国际版 v1.1 安卓版
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